CTH’s Academic Team Enrich Centre Support Resources
As part of our initiative to increase our offering to our Approved Teaching Centres, we've developed the CTH Student Study Guides.
[pdf-embedder url="/wp-content/themes/cthawardstwo/CTH%20L3%20Guides%20flyer%202.8.2017.pdf" title="CTH Study Guides Flyer"]The CTH team have been working hard to develop resources that will not only make the learning experience seamless for students but also the teaching process for lecturers. That's why the Student Study Guides have been created; they were made for lecturers in order to provide their students with both a visual and written understanding of the qualifications.
The Study Guides cover units at both Level 3 and 4, so students can get a more in-depth understanding of units such as the Essentials of Tourism and Hospitality Operations at Level 3 or Food and Beverage Operations at Level 4
Lecturers can break down the content in the units using the visual aids or industry examples in the handbooks. The Study Guides are available digitally, however, print-outs can be made to enable students to reference certain pages for a particular class or session. Use them in a way that matches your teaching style.
The Student Guides are available now to lecturers and centre staff on the CTH Members site at no addition cost, click here, log-in and find them under the Centre Resources area.
If you would like access to the CTH Members site, email [email protected]