Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism

An introductory programme, aimed at providing learners with a fundamental understanding of the hospitality and tourism industry.

Programme Overview

For students new to the hospitality and tourism industry this course is an excellent first step. The Level 3 Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism provides students with an understanding of these two closely aligned industries, whilst also allowing them to build their credit portfolio and skill set ready to go on to the higher level study in the field.

By providing students with an overall understanding of the industries, it allows them to explore and identify where their passions and interests lie so that they can then go on to specialise in the more specialist discipline of their choice.

The qualification is a great starting point for those eager to get their foot in the door. It is targeted at the learning needs of those students who are new to the field and typically in the 16 - 18 year age bracket. Through the completion of the course, they not only get a feel for the industry but become certified by CTH for their efforts.

Learning is highly structured and covers the key first principles required to understand the essential of the way the industries work. Hospitality and tourism are massive sectors offering a wealth of career opportunities covering everything from international 5 star hotels, through airlines, restaurants, cruise lines, bars and specialist resorts. They offer an incredible range of career opportunities and this foundation programme provides an excellent first induction into the workings of this vast sector.

Entry Requirements

Students must have completed full time secondary education with a minimum age of 16 years with the minimum English proficiency of IELTS 5.0 or an approved equivalent.

Students who do not satisfy the English language requirement may choose to combine this programme with CTH’s English for Hospitality & Tourism course, which is available to teaching centres as a Teaching Pack for delivery, assessment and certification by the centre. Please email [email protected] for further information.

Entry & Progression


Sample Certificate


Syllabus Overview

Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism

Students must achieve all 5 mandatory units, providing 130 credits, all at level 3
Credit Value (CV): 130 QAN: 603/6593/6
Guided Learning Hours (GLH) for Qualification: 650 Total Qualification Time (TQT) for Qualification: 1300
Mandatory Units
Unit Code Unit Title L CV GLH Assessment Method
EHRTH Essentials of Human Resources and Business Computing in Tourism and Hospitality 3 30 150 Closed book written examination
EMCRTH Essentials of Marketing and Customer Relationships in Tourism and Hospitality 3 30 150 Closed book written examination
THI Tourism and Hospitality Industry 3 30 150 Assignment
ETHO Essentials of Tourism and Hospitality Operations 3 30 150 Assignment
ESS Essentials Study Skills* 3 10 50 Assignment (70%) & Presentation (30%)
Foundation Diploma Total (5 units) 130 650
Essentials of Human Resources and Business Computing in Tourism and Hospitality:

This unit aims to introduce learners to the essentials of human resources in tourism and hospitality. Learners will understand the organisation of staff in tourism and hospitality, the principles of leadership, motivation and equal opportunities and the use of IT in tourism and hospitality.
Assessment: Closed book written examination

Essentials of Marketing and Customer Relationships in Tourism and Hospitality:

This unit aims to introduce learners to marketing, sales and customer relationships in the tourism and hospitality industry. Learners will understand how a hospitality or tourism business is affected by external factors in which it operates. They will understand the key concepts of marketing and sales techniques. Learners will gain an understanding of the importance of customer care. Learners will develop skills to enable them to deliver effective customer service and to identify areas for improvements.
Assessment: Closed book written examination

Tourism and Hospitality Industry:

This unit aims to introduce learners to the tourism and hospitality industry. Learners will understand the types and characteristics of different hotel and food service providers. Learners will also understand the roles and functions of different delivery channels operating within the industry and will be able to gain an insight into how the industry has developed and is likely to develop in future.
Assessment: Assignment

Essentials of Tourism and Hospitality Operations:

This unit aims to introduce learners to a range of functions within the tourism and hospitality industry i.e. front office, housekeeping, food and beverage operations, destination analysis and tour guiding operations.
Assessment: Assignment

Essential Study Skills:*

This unit aims to provide learners with essential skills for academic communication, writing assignments and making presentations of academic information and carrying out programmes of academic study.
Assessment: Assignment and Presentation

*This useful Essential Study Skills unit may also be studied alongside CTH Level 4 or Level 5 Tourism & Hospitality Management programmes.

“I found the CTH hotel management course very useful, The course has turned out to be just what I wanted and very interesting, I can see myself doing well in the future in Hospitality and working in the industry one day. The Director of Studies Shmina Mandal is very helpful and so are the staff and the lecturers they always have time for the students”.

Babita RaniFormer StudentLondon Bridge Business School London