
CTH Certificate in English for Tourism and Hospitality

An English language programme designed to improve the communication skills and vocabulary of learners. This qualification has been designed with a specific focus on the hospitality and tourism industries.

Programme Overview

The CTH Certificate in English for Tourism and Hospitality is an ESP (English for a Specific Purpose) programme; this means the communication skills you learn will have a specific focus on training you to understand and use vocabulary and grammar relevant to the hospitality and tourism industries.

This programme will not only give you a greater command of the English language but it will help to increase your employability prospects at the international level.

By teaching learners to understand the work of a restaurant, how to welcome guests, and the processes taken by a travel agent, they will begin to recognise the vocabulary and language that applies to different scenarios in the hospitality and tourism sectors.

Through the completion of this course you will be able to gain and/or improve your industry-relevant English language skills.

Qualification Structure

CTH Level 1 Certificate in English for Tourism and Hospitality

Students must achieve all 3 units, providing 25 credits, all at level 1
Credit Value (CV): 25 Qualification Number: 603/2816/2
Guided Learning Hours (GLH) for Qualification: 200 Total Qualification Time (TQT) for Qualification: 250
UK Funding Eligibility: Currently unavailable
Unit Code Unit Title L CV GLH Assessment Method
TE Travel English 1 7 60
  • Oral presentation
EWHT English for Working in Hotels & Tourism 1 9 70
  • Reading & writing test
  • Speaking & listening test
EWR English for Working in Restaurants 1 9 70
  • Reading & writing test
  • Speaking & listening test
Certificate Total (3 units) 25 200

Travel English
This unit aims to provide learners with an understanding of English relating to travel and destinations and how to provide information on directions and traditions.
Assessment Method: One reading & writing test, one one-to-one conversation or one presentation

English for Working in Hotels & Tourism
This unit aims to introduce learners to sales, marketing and PR in the bar and restaurant industry. Learners will understand how venues are affected by both internal and external factors. Learners will be introduced to the key concepts of marketing, and sales techniques and PR strategies, and understand how to apply them to their business.
Assessment Method: One unit test, plus one synoptic written examination covering all units

English for Working in Restaurants
This unit aims to introduce learners to sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) within the bar industry. Learners will understand how to adopt ethical and sustainable practices, and about their responsibilities when selling and serving alcohol. Learners will also understand the responsibilities a venue has regarding discrimination and equality in the workplace and with their customers.
Assessment Method: One unit test, plus one synoptic written examination covering all units