Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Hospitality Business

A substantial introductory programme, aimed at guiding learners through the principles of business, with specific reference to the hospitality industry.

Completion of this qualification gains the student access to the CTH Level 4 Management Diploma courses, as well as offering pathways into a range of other business-related further study.

Programme Overview

This programme is expressly designed to provide students with a first introduction and foundation in the business of hospitality. It is targeted at the learning needs of those students who are new to the field and typically in the 16 - 18 year age bracket.

Learning is highly structured and covers the key first principles required to understand the essential of the way the industry works. Hospitality is a massive sector and one of the single biggest industries in the world, covering everything from international 5 star hotels, through spas, restaurants, coffee shops, bars and specialist resorts. It offers an incredible range of career opportunities and this foundation programme offers an excellent first induction into the workings of this vast sector as viewed in a commercial business context.

Entry Requirements

Students must have completed full time secondary education and have a minimum age of 16 years with a minimum English proficiency of IELTS 5.0 (or an approved equivalent).

Syllabus Overview

Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Hospitality Business

Students must achieve all 5 mandatory units, providing 138 credits, all at level 3
Credit Value (CV): 138 QAN: 603/6599/7
Guided Learning Hours (GLH) for Qualification: 620 Total Qualification Time (TQT) for Qualification: 1380
Mandatory Units
Unit Code Unit Title L CV GLH URN Assessment Method
THI Tourism and Hospitality Industry 3 30 150 M/504/4384 Assignment
PFIB Purpose & Function of International Business 3 30 120 K/504/8787 Case study-based written examination
E Entrepreneurship 3 38 150 K/504/8790 Assignment (70%) & Presentation (30%)
EMCRTH Essentials of Marketing and Customer Relationships in Tourism and Hospitality 3 30 150 K/504/4383 Closed book written examination
ESS Essential Study Skills 3 10 50 A/618/4223 Assignment (70%) & Presentation (30%)
Foundation Diploma Total (5 units) 138 620

Tourism and Hospitality Industry
This unit aims to introduce students to the tourism and hospitality industry. Students will understand the types and characteristics of different hotel and food service providers. Students will also understand the roles and functions of different delivery channels operating within the industry and will be able to gain an insight into how the industry has developed and is likely to develop in future.

Purpose and function of international business
This unit aims to provide learners with an introduction to international business in general. The learner will understand the aims and objectives of business, the economic background to international business and trade and business functions within international organisations.

This unit aims to introduce learners to the challenges faced by entrepreneurs, how to raise finance for a new business venture and the identification and management of business risk.

Essentials of Marketing and Customer Relationships in Tourism and Hospitality
This unit aims to introduce students to marketing, sales and customer relationships in the tourism and hospitality industry. Students will understand how a hospitality or tourism business is affected by external factors in which it operates. They will understand the key concepts of marketing and sales techniques. Students will gain an understanding of the importance of customer care. Students will develop skills to enable them to deliver effective customer service and to identify areas for improvements.

Essential Study Skills
This unit aims to provide learners with essential skills for academic communication, writing assignments and making presentations of academic information and carrying out programmes of academic study.